Activities, events and moments of sharing dedicated to our employees and our surrounding community.

Young people

Established in 2011, the J-Next project seeks to fight youth unemployment by recruiting new college graduates each year. This tangible support allows young people to join the company directly through recruitment courses related to the specific business areas.

As a result of the program’s success, in 2014 an internal J-Next Club was created for employees with less than three years at the company to allow them to freely contribute innovative, technological and cultural ideas for improving the working environment.


On numerous occasions, Geico opens its doors to welcome and host local organizations, including associations, groups, schools, universities and other companies. These events are our way of engaging in social responsibility and cultivating dialog with our surrounding community and local organizations.

Corporate volunteering

Our commitment to the territory and the community materializes into support for Non-profit organizations and associations and participation of all employees in corporate volunteering activities.

Social commitment

Over the years, our awareness and embrace of Social responsibility issues have led us to offer concrete support to the community and various organizations.